Life Church

Life.Church is a safe place to come as you are, ask the hard questions, and discover who God created you to be, all with the support of a caring community. Attend services live online here. Life.Church is part of the Evangelical Covenant Church. The Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) is a rapidly growing multi-ethnic denomination in the […]

Mass @ St Patrick’s Church Gosford Parish

St Patrick's Church Gosford Parish 76 York Street, East Gosford, NSW, Australia

Clergy Fr Grzegorz (Greg) Skulski (SDS PP) Fr Bronislaw (Bronek) Pietrusewicz (AP) Huy (Vincent) Tran (Seminarian on Placement) Mass Times - St Patrick's Saturday 9.00am; 5.00pm Vigil Sunday 7.30am; 9.30am; 6.00pm; 12:00pm (Filipino Mass every 2nd Sunday of Every Month) Weekdays 9.00am Mon, Tue, Thurs 11:30am Wed 12:00pm Fri

Event Series Toastmasters


Central Coast Leagues Club Dane Drive, Gosford, NSW, Australia

Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. The organization's membership is approximately 280,000 in more than 14,700 clubs in 144 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders. Members pay international dues […]

Central Coast Board Game Meetups

Central Coast Leagues Club Dane Drive, Gosford, NSW, Australia

Central Coast Board Games is a board games group that meet regularly at the Central Coast Leagues Club in Gosford to share our love of gaming! The venue is perfect: have a meal, grab a drink and play a game - you beauty! We usually get 4 to 5 tables of games going. Bring your […]

Mass @ St Patrick’s Church Gosford Parish

St Patrick's Church Gosford Parish 76 York Street, East Gosford, NSW, Australia

Clergy Fr Grzegorz (Greg) Skulski (SDS PP) Fr Bronislaw (Bronek) Pietrusewicz (AP) Huy (Vincent) Tran (Seminarian on Placement) Mass Times - St Patrick's Saturday 9.00am; 5.00pm Vigil Sunday 7.30am; 9.30am; 6.00pm; 12:00pm (Filipino Mass every 2nd Sunday of Every Month) Weekdays 9.00am Mon, Tue, Thurs 11:30am Wed 12:00pm Fri

Event Series Swimming Club

Swimming Club

Gosford Swimming Pool 42 Masons Parade, Gosford, NSW, Australia

Join staff and students for a swim at Gosford Olympic Pool each Saturday at 11am. Casual rates from: Adults $ 7.00; Concession $ 4.90