Researching and Writing Stories

Chancellor Institute


This unit introduces students to the practice of journalism in the 21st century with a focus on researching and writing stories. Students study theories and concepts related to responsible and audience-centric journalism then apply this knowledge to practical / real-world assessment tasks. The unit explores a wide range of journalism topics including the media landscape, news values and the editorial process, structure and storytelling, photography, audio and video, multimedia, social media, using data in stories and media laws and ethics. Seminars will be delivered in the style of ‘editorial and production meetings’ in a lab environment.


On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:
  1. Apply the principles of writing and story structure to print, audio, video and online news platforms
  2. Apply news values and editorial processes to news stories
  3. Critically evaluate how media outlets report the news
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the media, genre, platforms and audiences


The optional assessment tasks associated with this unit provide an opportunity for participants to consolidate their learning and to benchmark their understanding against the standard set by Chancellor Institute. Participants enrolled in this unit who successfully complete the optional assessments will qualify for a grade, academic transcript and certificate of completion for that unit. For further details about the assessments, please click on the Curriculum tab or contact our course advisors. Additional unit fees apply for students electing to undertake assessments. Participants who elect not to complete the optional assessments for this unit will receive a certificate of participation for the unit.   Shareable on Linkedin. You can share your certificates in the Certifications section of your LinkedIn profile, on printed resumes, CVs, or other documents.

Course Features

  • Unit Code OA504
  • Seminars 12
  • Duration 36 hours
  • Skill level Intermediate
  • Study modes 100% Online
    Study Abroad
  • Language English
  • Assessments Optional
  • Prerequisites Nil
  • Fees View
  • PDF Brochure Download
Chancellor Institute

“Our vision is to revolutionize the student experience with industry led, practical, and authentic lifelong holistic education.”


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