Australian cheese is diverse and varies greatly in terms of flavor, texture, and origin. Some of the most popular types of Australian cheese include:

  1. Cheddar: A hard cheese that ranges from mild to sharp in flavor and is made from cow’s milk.
  2. Feta: A crumbly, salt-cured cheese that is made from sheep and/or goat’s milk. It is commonly used in salads and sandwiches.
  3. Blue cheese: A strong, tangy cheese that is made from either cow, sheep or goat’s milk and has blue/green veins of mold running through it.
  4. Brie: A soft, creamy cheese that is made from cow’s milk and has a delicate, mushroom-like flavor.
  5. Haloumi: A semi-hard cheese that is made from sheep and/or goat’s milk and has a high melting point, making it great for grilling or frying.
  6. Roquefort: A blue cheese that is made from sheep’s milk and has a strong, tangy and slightly sweet flavor.
  7. Fromage frais: A fresh cheese that is similar to cottage cheese and ricotta, made from cow’s milk and has a mild, tangy flavor.

Many Australian cheeses are made using traditional techniques and are crafted using milk from local farms and dairies, which give them a unique taste and character. Australia has also a diverse culture of cheese makers, immigrants from Italy, Greece, France and other countries brought their traditional cheese-making techniques, making the Australian cheese scene very diverse.

Tips on tasting cheese:

  1. Start with mild cheeses and work your way up to stronger, more pungent varieties. This will allow you to fully appreciate the nuances of each cheese.
  2. Taste the cheese at room temperature. Cold temperatures can mask the true flavors of a cheese.
  3. Taste the cheese in a specific order, beginning with the rind, then the body, and finally the paste of the cheese.
  4. Pay attention to the texture of the cheese. It should be smooth and creamy for fresh cheeses, and firmer for aged varieties.
  5. Take note of the flavors and aromas of the cheese. Different cheeses will have distinct notes of fruit, nuts, herbs, and even flowers.
  6. Pair your cheese with a complementary drink, such as wine, beer or cider, to bring out the different flavors of the cheese.
  7. Lastly, take the time to enjoy and savor the cheese. Cheese tasting should be a leisurely and enjoyable experience.